Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Teabagging teabaggers.

It would seem that the only thing more boring that a middle aged white couple filming themselves having sex is a bunch of middle aged white people protesting.

A couple of months ago a CNBC “reporter” Dick Santelli complained about President Obama’s bailout plan. If you haven’t seen it, or don’t have the stomach to watch it once more, he refers to the people getting bailouts on their mortgages as “losers” and calls for protests. The white folk who watch CNBC and its great fiscal reporting (sarcasm), gathered around the idea like they would an IKEA clearance catalog—fervently and immediately.

Senators took up the call hosting tea parties, using it as a pulpit to condemn such ideas as gun control and evolution ( rot in hell Mr. Delay) . Fox News, that bastion of intolerant racism, has been on remotes, having the genius Hannity in Atlanta tipping back the tea cup with other, more irritated and ignorant, white people.

I have sorted through the photos of these protesticulars and have yet to see a single person of color at a single one of these parties. Although, I have seen some white folk dressed as Native Americans (because that’s what the forefathers did during the original Boston Tea Party—you’ve got to love perpetuated institutionalized racism). And then it struck me—the underlying racism feeding this faux protest.

These teabaggers (I kid you not, they like this term—see here) and their teabagging is not a real protest against the government spending their money. The “new” tax rates are the Regan’s tax rates (and we know how they fondly remember that amnesiac) and the bailouts were begun by their former president Bush—henceforth known as Golem.

The protestors are effectively and irritatingly protesting the fact that a black man has power/control over their tax money. Think about it. A tea party, it does not get any whiter than that: the symbolism comes not from the Boston Tea Party so much as it is from inactive elitists like King George and (later) Marie “let them eat cake” Antoinette. The teabaggers are concerned that their money will help minorities, gay and lesbians or atheists. These white people, who for some reason think that the new tax rate is 75-100% of their income, are not in control of their giving anymore and that frightens them. Yes, it is a redistribution of wealth but we all know that white folks help white people—it’s what makes them comfortable. And when that money is taken to help people who need it (i.e. the whites, blacks, latinos, gays, and atheists who were suckered into the ARM scams by… you guessed it… white robber barons) they perceive a loss of power. Well, you can take your protest and teabag yourself with it. The government is here to do for its people what they cannot do for themselves, and that includes both charity and assistance.

The white man and woman need to lose some power. The Sean Hannity’s, and Rush Limbaughs and the Bushes and the Rockefellers and the Murdochs and the Delays and the other WASP sons of bitches whose greed and selfish calculations are to blame for this whole fuckin mess need to lose power. Once that happens the pursuit of happiness might be more attainable for anyone of any race, creed or color and the American Dream can cease to be little more that a white man’s dream.

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